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To protect the hospital staff and patients, St John of God, Murdoch is implementing a patient RAT strategy. This will start from Wednesday 16th February. In the meantime, if you require attendance at the hospital, you will be seen in the 'Screening Tent' for a screening questionnaire and RAT if required.


All pregnant woman attending the hospital will be required to have a RAT before entry. This will similarly apply to your partner. Pregnant woman will also have a RAT prior to each appointment with Drs Gunnell or Paterson from 36 weeks on. The hospital will supply you with 5 RATs to be used for these visits and prior to your admission. Partners will not be supplied with RATs and will need to source them from elsewhere (but they MUST be TGA approved), however the hospital will perform a RAT on your partner on admission if there is no other option.


Dr Gunnell or Paterson will provide you with a RAT Request Form after 34 weeks and you will be able to pick them up from the Main Entrance of the Hospital. You are welcome to purchase your own (or if you want extras) from elsewhere but they must be TGA approved tests. This is a link to a list of approved tests.


The RAT needs to be done less than 3 hours before each of your antenatal appointments from 36 weeks. We ask you to take a photo of your negative RAT result as evidence. The hospital asks that you also bring your RAT in a ziplock bag with you when you come for admission. You will not be granted entry without proof of the negative test.


Here is a link to the official hospital requirements and includes clear instructions on how to conduct and interpret your RAT.


IF YOU OR YOUR PARTNER TEST POSITIVE, DO NOT ATTEND YOUR APPOINTMENT OR THE HOSPITAL. Isolate yourself and call the hospital on 9438 9700. Please also ring Dr Gunnell or Paterson on 9312 3055.



Make an Appointment for Dr Chris Gunnell, Dr Will Adams or Dr Danii Paterson
Find us at Cove Medical

Cove Medical Group

Suite 40, Level 2

SJOG Medical Clinic

100 Murdoch Drive

Murdoch  6150


Phone: 08 9312 3055

Fax: 08 9312 3425


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